Tuesday, June 25, 2013


1.       Welcome to SLMTV BASE what is your name?
Thank you. My name is Ellen Salimatu Nannette Keister
2.       Who and what are you?
I am simple girl with a simple plan I always say, however, I’m a 33 year old hard working femaleJ born in the USA to Sierra Leonean parents Edward and Salimatu, Temne by tribe. I grew up in Sierra Leone,  went to the USA where I studied  Psychology from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and acquired a Bachelors’ Degree. I moved to Sierra Leone in 2008,  and I work as a TV Presenter and also have my own entertainment company called Reems Entertainment.
3.       With all these functions how do you manage to cope with the day to day demands?
I don’t know how I manage to do it, but somehow someway I do, To God be the Glory for that. I stay positive, take life as it comes, work hard and play hard.
4.       What is the name of your TV program and what motivate you to do it and?
It is called Ur Airtel Playlist and is powered by one of Africa’s biggest GSM companies called Airtel. The motivation I get is a lot of people are learning from me and I can’t dissappoint the fans, they love the show and always looking forward to whats happening next, and I just have a passion for Entertainment.
5.       What it is all about?
It showcases videos from different artist all over the world, people text in and vote for the videos they like and it all boils down to the hottest top 10 video that they want to see and I can say Sierra Leoneans love their artist and some other African artist that its more like an An African top 10 now(laugh)
6.       As a TV presenter how do you rate your program with respect to your viewer’s response?
I think my program is considered one of the best and most watched shows in Sierra Leone, when u walk around the streets and everybody knows who you are and what you do, tells you, you are being watched,lol, and based on texts, facebook comments, I know my show is well appreciated, I know it, I hear it and I myself enjoy doing it.:-)
7.       Please tell us what it is like to be the most influential in woman in the industry, a promoter, CEO, manager and a presenter?
It is not easy at all runnig a company and present a show, it’s a lot of work that needs to be done, because I do everything professionally, so its a matter of coming from one to the other, I can be having a headache today but when its time to shoot my show I have to, after I’m done with shooting,  my artist might have a show somewhere, I have to make sure I run there as well, one can affect the other, cause my artist and I may have a show on the same day. In other words, I will have a show to host and they’ll have to perform somewhere else, times like that, I don’t like, cause I want to be there to see my artist perform but then duty calls for me too…As far as the industry as a whole, its even more pressure, cause u have to be careful on decisions you make, I have a lot of people looking up to me, coming to me for advices,listening to their songs to pick out singles for them and dats because you are trusted, so in other words, I don’t only work for me, I work for all in the industry and because my opinion matters or is needed, I have to make sure I know what I’m saying be truthful and make good decisions. It feels good sometimes but it can be hectic sometimes too.
8.       How many artists do you have in your label and what’s your take on the industry with all the beefing.
I have 3 artist on my label, the best R&B group in Sierra Leone called  441, a new female rapper Empress P and a singer based in the Uk  Dannee J. About the beefing, I think its ridiculous, I think it don’t make sense, I think ego plays a part in it, I don’t get dissed and don’t respond, I’ll look like a coward, I think I’m the best, nobody can stop me, that attitude is what leads to beefing, which is wrong, I can’t control what people do or say but at the same time, we are working very hard to squash all beefs in other for us to grow as an industry.
9.       Who do admire the most in this industry
For me personally, I admire DJ Boxx not because I know him personally but more so because he never gives up, I look up to him, cause he has been thru the worse with the artist, he is always almost giving up but the love for the industry always brings him back, I think that’s great, cause the way I see the industry, we can’t give up, we have to keep pushing and make sure things are done the way its suppose to.  I always say no matter what happens, you have to go thru DJ Boxx, whether its help with promotions or some form of advise, I bet you he has something to say.:-). I admire people that don’t  give up, because of that I keep my spirit up.
10.   What advice do you have for upcoming promoters/managers
The advice I will give to promoters/managers is this, everybody wants us to be there like Nigerians, we can’t well not right now, reason being, we don’t have the money, however, some of us meaning us all, have the skills, the little advices, the links, so if you are looking at that, you will never invest  your little money or time, you just have to come and  help, the artist need help, we don’t have a lot of managers and if at all you do come in, eventho its business, however, its about the industry, its about Sierra Leone, you are needed, so come out with a positive attitude and don’t give up. I believe in our talents, we just have to work together to attract investors , most of our artist have what it takes, what we don’t have is money and dats what goes together with talent nowadays.
Looking at the music industry how do you see it thus far and what is your expectation for the year to come?
I think we are doing well, I have listened to some new talents and I’m saying to myself, we got it Naija has nuthin on us, except money, I think if we all decide to work together, push the right people, get financial help, get the right songs, videos, we will be on these channels getting recognition. I think most artist are listening, learning and ready to work, improving their art.
11.   What next for you as a woman you have not accomplished yet in industry?
I don’t think we are where we need to be, I feel like that’s the goal, I want to be able to see our Sierra Leoneans out here representing for us, showing off the GWB, I won’t relent, I will work hard, I will help, I will advice and until I start seeing out videos on MTVBASE< CHANNEL O, TRACE, SOUNDCITY coz that’s where it starts, I won’t give up.. For now, I’m still at the starting point and I will not give up.

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