Thursday, July 25, 2013

Heyden Adama and Texy Miatta Gets hot in Miami FL

Spotted in Miami, Floria Last week were Sierra Leonean singer, model and actress Heyden adama and her sister, rapper Texy Miatta. Whom not only flooded their instagrams with sexy pictures these past few days but also posted a very good message about what they go through as black women in the United States. Heyden started by saying "You look beautiful for a black girl." passing it to Miatta who says "Ooohh You look sexy for a black girl." And their friend says "I don't normally date black girls but I will for you." Then all the girls in union finished with "WHAT THE F$%^ does that mean??" So men and women of other races, what do you mean by You look beautiful for a BLACK girl?
See the post Here

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